Whom should our window bending equipment supplier be?
Syn-Tec has been supplying the North American Vinyl Window Industry with innovative bending Technologies since 1996 when we introduced the first dry Radiant Heat bending system to the industry.
UNLIKE competitive suppliers VINYL WINDOW & FENCE BENDING TECHNOLOGY is the “ONLY” thing we do. Syn-Tec’s entire resource base is dedicated to helping our CUSTOMER produce curved vinyl products that MEET or EXCEED their customer’s expectations quickly & easily.
This is extremely important because of the nature of curved shape production and the SUPPORT required to launch NEW products as the FUTURE will dictate. Syn-Tec will provide support for the complete process of not only bending but also fabricating the shapes ready for glazing.
Can the Omega systems bend composite profiles?
Yes, quickly and easily to same high quality as virgin material.
What will be my ROI?
When you look at the cost of outsourcing, many customers report an ROI of as little as 8 weeks with the average ROI at 3 months which is enhanced by the added bonus of greatly improving their lead time to their own customers.
What is my changeover time for different radii up to 48”?
The Omega system has one universal toolset for radii up to 48” so there is no changeover, simply change sizes in seconds using our unique quick adjust system.
What is my changeover time for radii greater than 48”?
All systems (except the Model 800) come with a 10’ wide Segmental Table with a simple one lever lock and release of 20 adjustable sliders. The Model 800 has one table so it is necessary to remove the Radius Toolset and install the Segmental Toolset which takes approx. 15 minutes.
Can I eliminate glass templates?
Yes. The Omega system generates a perfectly symmetrical shape so glass can be produced simultaneously for just-in-time production or to be used as a replacement unit when damaged in transit or on site without requiring a template.
What are the production benefits of having high quality bends?
The efficient production of Curved windows starts with the QUALITY of the curve. A perfect curve is easier to cut accurately, easier to weld properly, easier to achieve glass fit with the ARC LENGTH correct.
Why is digital radius adjustment so important?
Why is there a different quality standard for Square windows than for Curved? Square window production has evolved over the years so that everyone now uses a digital fabrication saw to guarantee all sizes of the window are cut the exact length and that drain holes, hardware holes and slots are placed accurately for ease of final assembly. As we progress down the line we will likely find a Four Point Welder. Imagine if this welder was manually adjusted to the size required. It would take considerable time to do this and the accuracy would likely be questionable. It would also require a number of welders to produce the same number of finished pieces per hour. The same logic should be applied when choosing a bending system.
Why is Arc Length so important?
When producing curved windows the TWO MOST important factors are “ARC LENGTH” & “SYMMETRY”. If we relate the arc length to the square window, it is the dimension of one side of the window. If we cannot produce a symmetrical curve with exacting accuracy our window is “OFF SIZE”. When the window is off size the glass does not fit properly causing manufacturing issues as well as service issues.