About Syn-Tec

Established in 1995, our focus was to find the most advanced technology available and bring it to the window industry. During those early years it became apparent that geometric shapes had long been ignored and gradually all of our attention became devoted to making the shapes easy and consistent to produce to a high quality standard.

Syn-TecThe goal of today’s window supplier is to increase profitability through gains in efficiency.  Syn-Tec has devoted more than 20 years to bringing innovation and technology to the production of specialty shapes.

To truly understand the need for digital radius adjustment in the production of curved vinyl windows we can look at how we now produce square vinyl windows. As we walk through our square window production lines, we will likely see a digital fabrication saw which will guarantee all sizes of the window are cut the exact length and that drain holes and slots are placed accurately for ease of final assembly.

As we progress down the line we will likely find a Four Point Welder.  Imagine if this welder was manually adjusted to the size required.  It would take considerable time to do this and the accuracy would likely be questionable.  It will also require a number of welders to produce the same number of finished pieces per hour.  We don’t consider the option when sourcing new welding equipment because we want to be assured of accurate window sizes.

Now let us look at the curved window shapes which we offer our customers.  Why do we not give the same consideration to our production of these windows?  Does our customer not deserve to receive the same consideration with our entire product line?  Why do we have a different quality standard for our square windows than we do for our curved windows?

When producing curved windows, the TWO MOST IMPORTANT factors are “Arc Length” and “Symmetry”.  If we relate the arc length to the square window it is the dimension of one side of the window.  If we cannot produce a symmetrical curve with exacting accuracy our window is “Off Size”.  When the window is off size, the glass does not fit properly causing manufacturing issues as well as service issues.  Not to mention possible feedback from the customer.

We want Accuracy, Repeatability, Speed, Simplicity & Reliability in our production processes today.  This is what guarantees LOYAL customers and produces PROFIT for Shareholders.  The Omega bending equipment can be integrated with the other production lines so that the shapes arrive at the shipping dept. at the same time as the squares.  Glass can be cut simultaneously to further speed up production times.  Templates will become a thing of the past.  When a customer happens to break a sealed unit in the field, you can be confident in making a replacement unit without sending a service person out to template the frame.

When a vinyl window company has an Effective Geometric Dept., sales of shapes go UP because of a comfort factor which develops in Marketing & Sales departments that stimulates an increase of sales of square windows because there are more square windows in a building package than curves.

When Vinyl Window companies venture into the realm of Geometric Window Production, the decisions which are made from an equipment standpoint have long term implications.  The Syn-Tec Omega modular systems are designed to allow any size window manufacturer to supply their customers curved window products they have never before experienced and will round off a total product line of pristine and beautiful products.

Those customers who choose to partner with Syn-Tec have full access to our expertise and their staff is invited to come to Stoney Creek and train not only on their own equipment just prior to shipment, but also send their own profile and learn the full process without the distractions often encountered in their own facility, thus giving them a tremendous advantage.